So I'm in my (very) late twenties now. What's the most annoying thing about getting older for youse guys? My personal ones are:
- Hangovers last like two days now.
- ITCHY NOSE HAIR (got one now, gah).
- Steady, insidious growth of the belly.
The fact that I'm growing a beard at fourteen and I haven't start shaving yet.
Hey, nothing wrong with beards.
I am only 22 so I suppose shaving daily is annoying. I am too skinny to say anything about my belly. I guess that I have less interest to partake in sports (that actually may just be the laziness in me)
Watching all my friends getting girlsfriend and moving in with them while I just move around the country living like a poor vagabond.
Agree on itching nosehair.
When you join a new website only to find out that every user there is at least 8-10 years younger than you.
Actually feeling sick when eating bag of chips instead of actual food for dinner.
Health problems.

(06-27-2012 01:26 AM)SilentGamerPD Wrote: [ -> ]The fact that I'm growing a beard at fourteen and I haven't start shaving yet.
Shaving is one of the worst thing about being a teenager. I have to shave every couple of days or I start looking shaggy.
trying to think of a career you actually WANT to go into so you know what you wanna do while you're in college
I'm 17 and i was introduced to drinking by my dad when i was 5 so i have a hard time not drinking but it gets better every month since i'm trying to calm down.
But really i'm a story writer and the hardest thing for me is getting someone to read my stories and to publish them.
(06-27-2012 02:33 AM)zspartancats Wrote: [ -> ] (06-27-2012 01:26 AM)SilentGamerPD Wrote: [ -> ]The fact that I'm growing a beard at fourteen and I haven't start shaving yet.
Shaving is one of the worst thing about being a teenager. I have to shave every couple of days or I start looking shaggy.
The endless cycle of shaving is terrible. I still suffer from it every 3 days.
When you walk into a club and suddenly realise you're now just too old to be in there
I have a beard, so shaving's not much of an issue. When I did shave though, I'd do it with a decent razor and lather and stuff. A really good shave is a great feeling.
Shaving's getting a lot of mentions here, maybe I should've just asked about shaving instead.
i agree with the hangover one! takes ages to recover and can never booze 2 days in a row, not that i have time to anymore.
also getting tired an achy after any sort of sporting activity. only 24 but my ankles are always killing me, i thought this was supposed to happen in your 30's!
I get knee problems all the time because of a sports accident when i was 15, it really sucks that at a young age everyime i walk somewhere my knee is all swollen and i end up being like fuck this shit.
16 here.
Just noticed that my stubble, has become sideburns and is massing across my face.
I'll have to get shavin' soon, electric all the way.
Nooooo! Go for a safety razor, best shave you'll ever have.