It has a ton of songs made into orchestra style. It is an AMAZING site. Pretty much every song on there is awesome. There's a few gaming songs in there too, like Still Alive
And the My Little Pony extended theme is on there too, which is really good i'll admit.
Check it out
Awesome! Thanks
What a long list of excellence !
After many years of being forced to listen to orchestra music because of sisters, hearing something I love orchestrated is just beautiful.
Listen to Code Lyoko on there.
Do it.
Stop reading.
And listen to it.
Ok good, now that SERIOUSLY THOUGH is gone, can we talk about his odor?
This is amazing. It's very cool perspective to music. There should be a For Whistling or For Kazoo somewhere....
Im going to the Zelda symphony on Saturday.
(09-19-2012 10:01 PM)Skarro Wrote: [ -> ]Im going to the Zelda symphony on Saturday.
Where is it ? So that I can... you know... not steal your tickets... for science
Anyway - hope it's as good as it sounds
EDIT - Need to call Arjahn a bitch
(09-19-2012 11:45 AM)Arjahn Wrote: [ -> ]Ok good, now that SERIOUSLY THOUGH is gone, can we talk about his odor?
It's in Minneapolis im going on a road trip there. I do have an extra ticket if any of you wanna come and live close. $90