So basically, let us get to know each other a little better. By answering these questions, n' whatnot:
(My answers are in bold)
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
male, but female pronouns are okay.
What's your name?
Carl. Olivia is also acceptable.
What's your favorite color(s)?
Yellow, Black, Purple, Green
What is your sexual orientation?
Polysexual (Identify as Queer)
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
No. I am an atheist, anti-theist.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
What do you want to know? Just ask!
also, feel free to add any questions.
My name: Michael or Mike for short
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religious views: Agnostic
Favorite color(s): Green and Blue
What else can you say about yourself: I am a normal white male born in the south but is not a redneck nor do I have any wishes to be a farmer or raise livestock. I grew up with computers and technology because of my dad running his own printing company so when I got out of high school I figured that I would enjoy programming. Well the short answer is no and the long answer is this: I dropped out of my first semester basic C programming class, retook it next semester and passed then passed my next C++ class then flunked out of the next programming class once and made an F on the next semesters first test before I realised that not only was none of this sinking in but I was also not having fun nor were my grades improving so I moved to Knoxville because my mom not only works at the university of Knoxville but it also gave me access to new colleges and because I like to talk to people and learn about any problems they may have, I am now a psychology major and happy to have changed. Growing up I have also been a gamer since I was like 5 or 6 when my mom would rent a SNES console and rent some games for me. I dabbled in all sorts of genres and consoles before I stayed with the Sony Playstation products and they have been awesome. Romance wise is probably not so different from any one else; I dated in high school with multiple girls and I am actually still friends with a few of them (wouldn't mind being friends with more of them but some of them are just natural bitches who want to snap my head off at the first chance they get.
Hmm I do not know what else to say so please ask and I will answer the best I can.
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
I don't get the question >:
What's your name?
What's your favorite color(s)?
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
Don't care enough to give it a name.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
I'm boring D:
Also like agentkuo :o if you wanna know just ask
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
What's your name?
What's your favorite color(s)?
Blue and gray
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion?
Nope. I'm an atheist.
I'm also part of the Furry Fandom.
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
Male, and female pronouns are not okay. Unless you're trying to speak portuguese with me and have problems with genders.
What's your name?
Matheus. You can spell it however you want. I'm not going to explain how it's properly pronounced, since I'd only bore you. Unless you really want to know.
What's your favorite color(s)?
As a kid, I always prefered red, mainly because the red Power Ranger was always the leader and the coolest of all. Now I have a thing for green.
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
Agnostic, I guess? I only have doubts about these things, so I'd rather not lable me with any name.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
Besides videogames, I really like learning foreign languages and translating. Is there anything else to say? You tell me.
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
What's your name?
What's your favorite color(s)?
Red, Blue, and Black
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
I'm an Agnostic/Apathesist, which means I do not care for any religion. I prefer to live my life my own way without bothering myself with any religion.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
I tend to be quiet and unemotional most of the time, which puts people off. But, if I'm talking to a friend, or someone starts a conversation with me, (depending on the topic) I can get rather emotional very quickly. Also, most of the time, if I don't think of the person as a friend, I usually avoid physical contact with people.
Name: None of your business.
Age: None of your business.
Sex: None of your business.
About me: None of your business.
(08-12-2012 06:06 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: [ -> ]Name: None of your business.
Age: None of your business.
Sex: None of your business.
About me: None of your business.
That's a tad rude considering no-one is forcing you to post here.
(08-12-2012 06:06 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: [ -> ]Name: None of your business.
Age: None of your business.
Sex: None of your business.
About me: None of your business.
You don't understand..

How old are you? 16
Gender: Male
Name: Nicolas
Favorite colour: Dark Yellow, Dark Red, Grey, Black
Sexual orientation: Straight as a claymore (that's a sword btw)
Religion: A bit of everything (too long to explain)
Something about me: I'm a stereotype gamer who likes music and reading mangas. I'm also good at a lot of games. I like playing co-op with friends and my brother.
And I hate...
people who says SWAG is more important then everything else for no apparent reason (What the frek' is swag anyway?)
(08-12-2012 12:40 PM)Nicknclank Wrote: [ -> ]And I hate...
people who says SWAG is more important then everything else for no apparent reason (What the frek' is swag anyway?)[/b]
Alright I'll play ball!
How old are you?
Recently 16
What gender do you identify with?
I believe I am male sir
What's your name?
You may call me Joel, or Julias, whatever floats your boat
What's your favorite color(s)?
Pretty much all shades of green, and I like purple as well.
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
I've been looking into religions, so far I really just have no desire to get into anything.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
Meh, not much of anything. I'm pretty fun when you get down to it. I'm a born writer and dancer(Urban that is), the dancing part not as much as writing, but I'm trying to get into it. Buuut yeah, that's pretty much it. If you really want to know more, I have many forms of social connection. Facebook, Skype, League(Although if you have league, I will play a game with you). Just message me if you want to add me on anything, I would love to talk to anyone.
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
What's your name?
What's your favorite color(s)?
Marine blue.
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
What's the thing when I have none?
What else would you like to say about yourself?
I put a lot of effort in being normal at this forum. At every other place I'm known as the village idiot.
Okay Nuudoru is the oldest so far (by one year mind you) but damn I feel somewhat old now D:
How old are you?
What gender do you identify with?
What's your name?
What's your favorite color(s)?
Lime green
What is your sexual orientation?
Straight, but I have crushes on video game ladies! Franziska von Karma can whip me anytime and who doesn't find Felicia from Darkstalkers hot?
Are you affiliated with a religion? (if not, express your beliefs about religion)
Nope! I was forced to go to a crappy Christian school for most of my grade school years and even that didn't brainwash me.
What else would you like to say about yourself?
I love macadamia nut cookies.