Rejected Submissions
- The GameCube (17 Replies)
- Half Life logo is a arm holding a crowbar. (8 Replies)
- Bobby is Going Home (5 Replies)
- Soul Calibur - Angol Fear DYKG (1 Reply)
- The secret of Kirby Super Star (2 Replies)
- Another Things about Metal Saga (0 Replies)
- Majora's Mask DYK (2 Replies)
- The Goron Tunic does less than people think. (4 Replies)
- Ness, Claus, and Lucas fact! (1 Reply)
- Zenonia DYKG (0 Replies)
- Sonic the Hedgehog Gene and Two-Faced Cats (2 Replies)
- Zelda: Twilight Princess DYK (1 Reply)
- Did you know that.. (1 Reply)
- Little Halo Fact (4 Replies)
- Bomberman - odd cheat? (3 Replies)
- Some Portal 2 DYK Stuff I found (1 Reply)
- Japan references in SMB3 & Pokemon (5 Replies)
- Ratchet And Clank Did You Know (1 Reply)
- Super Mario Bros 3 and Link to the Past. (2 Replies)
- Pokemon 3D Did you Know (3 Replies)
- Kojima really wants to annoy the poor. (3 Replies)
- Shakespeare reference in Link's Awakening (0 Replies)
- Resident Evil 5 DYKG (0 Replies)
- Control you PS3 with the Wii U GamePad (0 Replies)
- Sonic 2sday. (0 Replies)
- Using controllers in other consoles. (1 Reply)
- crash bandicoot 3 and timesplitters 2 (sort of) hidden content. (3 Replies)
- Pac-Man DYKG and some random ones (3 Replies)
- Metal Man is so weak... (Mega Man II) (1 Reply)
- Super Sonic in Emerald Hill (Sonic 2) without cheats? (4 Replies)