Zephyre Syx
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Dead End
I'm a gamer|game designer enthusiast and been doing both since I was 6 (actual programming games at 11 on a commodore 64 and apple II) 23 years ago. Also I have read a lot about the history of video games from books at that time. This would seem like I should be a genius by now, but I was permanently grounded at 15 and bard from any electronics or books relating to games or computer til I graduate and had form a depression and anxiety that prevents me from enjoys either of the two even after getting out. But I'm slowly working back to the groove though being sad for missing nearly 10 years of new knowledge and experience that I feel I'm too 'retro' and far behind now.
But I'm not here to discuss that. I joined what keeps looking like an abbreviated 'donkey kong' because it's fun to know and recall fun facts of games present and current. Most of it written here or on youtube I knew already or pretty trivial but I'm learning a lot about most other games I wasn't able to learn in the past. Hopefully I'll be able to share new ones, but I have a feeling there's not much new that's not written in wikipedia already. I learn most of them the hard way, only armed with a game genie, a keen perception, and photographic memory.
I guess near future, easter eggs from newer games might only serves as a 'social seed' to trigger viral bombs to technically boost sales. Games are now became all 'businessy' like a reverse indie that's trying to innovate is a dangerous business model (or I need to stop reading about making games for mobile. depressing that it is, it's what it teaches and making games that are easy and people are familar with reap sales. that's why you see a lot of angry birds looking games..)
I'm only gonna lurk here because I'm not a socialist, and only seek and share knowledge. >.> <.< >.<
If I do, be warned I bash on nintendo a lot.
10-10-2012 03:55 PM |